Details of non-standard traffic signs approved in England since 1 January 2011.

Date Case Traffic Authorisation Applicant Scheme
Date Case Traffic Authorisation Applicant Scheme
13/02/2020 4880 Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) hospital direction signs
(PDF - 2116 KB)
Rochdale Borough Council Direction Signs
13/02/2020 4879 E-Taxi Recharging Points, Area-wide
(PDF - 3829 KB)
Kent County Council Parking - Electric Vehicles Taxis (E-taxis)
13/02/2020 4878 Tiger Tail and Gantry Signs, M23 J8-10, Highways England
(PDF - 8581 KB)
Highways Agency, Highways England, National Highways Direction Signs
21/09/2020 4877 Philips Active Road Studs Type Approval (Re-authorisation)
(PDF - 1292 KB)
Active Road Studs Type Approval Road Markings (Other)
04/02/2020 4876 E-Taxi Recharging Points, Area-wide, Bristol City Council
(PDF - 4473 KB)
Bristol City Council Parking - Electric Vehicles Taxis (E-taxis)
04/02/2020 4875 Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Signs, (Re-authorisation), Area-wide, London
(PDF - 7945 KB)
Transport for London Low Emission Zones
29/01/2020 4874 Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) hospital direction signs
(PDF - 1845 KB)
North Yorkshire County Council Direction Signs
08/01/2020 4873 Signs providing Motorway Service Area (MSA) fuel price information
(PDF - 5986 KB)
Highways Agency, Highways England, National Highways Motorway Services Sign
08/01/2020 4872 Pedestrian Zone Sign, Birmingham
(PDF - 3372 KB)
Birmingham City Council Pedestrian zone, entry sign
08/01/2020 4871 E-Taxi Recharging Points, Area-wide
(PDF - 2237 KB)
Luton Borough Council Parking - Electric Vehicles Taxis (E-taxis)
08/01/2020 4870 Operational legends on VMS signs, Highways England
(PDF - 1087 KB)
Highways Agency, Highways England, National Highways Variable Message Signs (VMS)
08/01/2020 4869 Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Signs, Area-wide, London (Re-authorisation)
(PDF - 6676 KB)
Transport for London Low Emission Zones
08/01/2020 4868 Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) hospital direction signs
(PDF - 1833 KB)
East Sussex County Council Direction Signs
08/01/2020 4867 Philips Active Road Studs Type Approval (Re-authorisation)
(PDF - 5534 KB)
Active Road Studs Type Approval Road Markings (Other)
12/12/2019 4866 Signs to prohibit slow moving agricultural vehicles and motorcycles under 50cc
(PDF - 3625 KB)
Highways Agency, Highways England, National Highways Regulatory sign, Direction sign
08/01/2020 4865 Supplementary plate for use with bus lane sign (953), (taxis and for loading)
(PDF - 5291 KB)
Staffordshire County Council Direction Signs - Advanced. Bus gate, bus lane
12/12/2019 4864 Philips Active Road Studs Type Approval
(PDF - 5244 KB)
Active Road Studs Type Approval Road Markings (Other)
12/12/2019 4863 Funicular (cliff railway) symbol
(PDF - 1692 KB)
Devon County Council Tourist (Brown) Signs
12/12/2019 4862 Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) hospital direction signs
(PDF - 2033 KB)
Devon County Council Direction Signs
12/12/2019 4861 Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Signs, Area-wide
(PDF - 6642 KB)
Transport for London Low Emission Zones
26/11/2019 4860 E-Taxi Recharging Points, Area-wide, Peterborough
(PDF - 3344 KB)
Peterborough City Council Parking - Electric Vehicles Taxis (E-taxis)
12/12/2019 4859 Controlled area zig-zag lines at signal controlled segregated pedestrian and cyclist crossing
(PDF - 1926 KB)
Wigan Metropolitan Borough Council Cycling - Zig-zag, Parallel Crossing, Pedestrian Crossing
12/12/2019 4858 Controlled area zig-zag lines at signal controlled segregated pedestrian and cyclist crossing
(PDF - 1659 KB)
Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council Cycling - Zig-zag, Parallel Crossing, Pedestrian Crossing
12/12/2019 4857 Controlled area zig-zag lines at signal controlled segregated pedestrian and cyclist crossing
(PDF - 1677 KB)
Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Cycling - Zig-zag, Parallel Crossing, Pedestrian Crossing
12/12/2019 4856 Controlled area zig-zag lines at signal controlled segregated pedestrian and cyclist crossing
(PDF - 1609 KB)
Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council Cycling - Zig-zag, Parallel Crossing, Pedestrian Crossing


Details of non-standard traffic signs approved in England since 1 January 2011.


If you have an enquiry relating to the information presented here please contact us:

DfT policy

To reduce congestion, make sure that traffic signs give road users the information they need to use the roads safely and efficiently, and that local parking enforcement is fair and effective.

Managing, improving and investing in the road network