Details of non-standard traffic signs approved in England since 1 January 2011.

Date Case Traffic Authorisation Applicant Scheme
Date Case Traffic Authorisation Applicant Scheme
12/12/2023 5179 Zig-zag lines at signal controlled segregated pedestrian & cycle crossing, parallel crossing
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West Sussex County Council Parallel pedestrian and cycle crossing
12/12/2023 5178 Pedestrian zone sign with authorised vehicles (618.3C)
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Oxfordshire County Council Pedestrain and cycle zone
13/03/2024 5177 Public footpath, bridleway and other public rights of way level crossings signs. PCSBR. The Private Crossings (Signs and Barriers) Regulations 2023.
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Network Rail Level Crossings
28/11/2023 5176 Signs indicating temporary lane availability at road works for use on mobile traffic management (MTM) vehicles
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Highways Agency, Highways England, National Highways Variable Message Signs (VMS)
28/11/2023 5175 Install a Pedex crossing on a long table (road hump), B2215 High Street Ripley (near Ripley Village Hall).
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Surrey County Council Pedestrian crossing
28/11/2023 5174 No Stopping Except Pick Up and Drop Off, Area-wide
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Sheffield City Council Parking - Area-wide
28/11/2023 5173 Children Warning Sign 545 as Road Marking, Area-wide
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London Borough of Bromley Road Marking
28/11/2023 5172 Tram and bus lane signs (962, 962.2). Midland Metro Tram Network Extensions and Line Upgrades. West Midlands Combined Authority Area (Birmingham City Council, City of Wolverhampton Council, Coventry City Council, Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council, Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council, Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council)
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Birmingham City Council Bus lanes, bus gates, tram
15/11/2023 5171 Information sign. Low wall on bridge. M1 Yelvertoft Equestrian Bridge 302, M1 North of Crick.
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Highways Agency, Highways England, National Highways Information sign
24/10/2023 5170 No left turn except vehicles under 7.5t, Warwick Way, Churton Street, Denbigh Street.
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Westminster City Council Prohibitory signs
24/10/2023 5169 Install a parallel crossing on a long table (road hump), Welwyn Road, Thieves Lane, Hertford
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Hertfordshire County Council Parallel pedestrian and cycle crossing
24/10/2023 5168 Contra-flow Bus Lane (960) with access for taxis, area-wide.
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Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council Bus lanes, bus gates
24/10/2023 5167 Zig-zag lines at signal controlled segregated pedestrian & cycle crossing, parallel crossing
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Norfolk County Council Parallel pedestrian and cycle crossing
24/10/2023 5166 Legend for parking signs. Pay by phone and number. Area-wide.
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Leicester City Council Parking signs
24/10/2023 5165 Tram, bus and taxi sign (953.1B). Midland Metro Tram Network Extensions and Line Upgrades. West Midlands Combined Authority Area (Birmingham City Council, City of Wolverhampton Council, Coventry City Council, Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council, Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council, Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council)
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Wolverhampton Borough Council Bus lanes, bus gates, tram
03/10/2023 5164 Signs providing directions to electric vehicle recharging facilities, A5 EV Charging Station Checkley Wood, Watling Street, Leighton Buzzard, Flying Fox roundabout, Hockliffe.
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Highways Agency, Highways England, National Highways Services Sign
27/09/2023 5163 E-scooter parking bay road marking trial
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Bristol City Council Parking, Road Marking
27/09/2023 5162 Install a parallel crossing on a long table (road hump), Old Cheltenham Road
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Gloucestershire County Council Parallel pedestrian and cycle crossing
27/09/2023 5161 Supplementary plate (disabled, buses, taxis, authorised vehicles) for use with diagram 619.1, Colchester High Street, Prohibition of Motor Vehicles
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Essex County Council Prohibitory signs
20/09/2023 5160 Blackwall & Silvertown Tunnel user crossing charge signs, Re-auth.
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Transport for London Tunnel charge information signs
27/09/2023 5159 Bus gate (953) and Ped Zone sign, Babington Lane and St Peters Street
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Derby City Council Bus lanes, bus gates, pedestrian zone
13/09/2023 5158 E-Taxi Recharging Point signs, Area-wide
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Derby City Council Parking - Electric Vehicles Taxis (E-taxis)
06/09/2023 5157 Indication of a route for cyclists through a road junction ahead. Cycle Route Sign, Right Turn In Two Stages. 2601.2. Area-wide
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Hertfordshire County Council Cycling - other
06/09/2023 5156 Install a parallel crossing on a long table (road hump), Prince of Wales Road, Bouremouth
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Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council Parallel pedestrian and cycle crossing
06/09/2023 5155 Install a parallel crossing on a long table (road hump), Branksome Wood Road, Westbourne
(PDF - 775KB)
Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council Parallel pedestrian and cycle crossing


Details of non-standard traffic signs approved in England since 1 January 2011.


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DfT policy

To reduce congestion, make sure that traffic signs give road users the information they need to use the roads safely and efficiently, and that local parking enforcement is fair and effective.

Managing, improving and investing in the road network